TwistedBrush Pro Studio 24.01 + Portable Free Download

TwistedBrush is a program for artists, which you can download for free on It is equipped with a large number of a wide variety of drawing tools, from paints to crayons and pencils. TwistedBrush interface is not very similar to other editors, although it provides all the necessary features: working with the clipboard, zooming and, of course, drawing. And the drawing tool is only one - a brush, but the quantity (more than 3000 pieces !!!) and the quality of presets for drawing, as well as the variety of shapes and the adjustability of sizes and colors allow a person, not particularly gifted with artistic talent, that - perhaps, more accurately and qualitatively, of course - a professional working in another editor would probably draw more than one hour.

The very system of drawing is reduced to manipulating with various brushes, which allow you to depict specific drawing tools: pencils, artist's brushes, etc., and create certain effects, such as smoke, fire, wind, fog, water, and even create some three-dimensional objects with shadows and futuristic fractals. You have the opportunity to mix oil paints, use sprayers and draw sketches. By these means you can depict almost anything. Also, you can add effects to images: their number is not so impressive - just a few dozen, which is also quite a lot, although for this part TwistedBrush is certainly inferior to Photoshop and Ulead PhotoImpact. The difference is that the main purpose of the last two programs is image processing, While in TwistedBrush the emphasis is made on the simple even for the absolute runner, but powerful in its capabilities to create them. The page interface of the program is somewhat unaccustomed to, but you also get used to it very quickly.
Key features:

  • Layers and transparency: TwistedBrush fully supports the transparency of the layer and with all standard layers mixing modes, plus many unique blending modes. 
  • Extended mask support. Magic wand with a wide range of opportunities for creating masks, the ability to draw their own masks. 
  • Cloning: with cloning brushes included in TwistedBrush Pro Studio you can do all the standard actions for cloning TouchUp photos or convert your photos into a kind of picture or picture. 
  • Calculator allows you to see another image below the current image when using cloning brush or just a guide to the proportions and layout.
  • Image formats. In addition to the specific TwistedBrush formage file, TBR, all the leading standard image formats are supported including JPEG, GIF, PNG, TIFF, TGA, PCX, PSD, BMP, PCD, WMF and EMF. 
  • Support for graphic tablets: WTH supports a graphic tablet with high sampling accuracy and sensitivity to pressure. 
  • Powerful Brush engine: perhaps the most powerful image editor of the brush. A single system with flexibility and performance to mimic the natural full media brushes, complex mixing operations. 
  • Guides from more than 40 drawing guides. From simple grids and snap to networks for complex 3D perspectives. 
  • 64-bit images: internally complete 64 bits of color information to achieve an incredible blending.
  • Image processing: more than 150 filters for image processing, tools for working with your photos. 
  • Lua Scrpt Filters: TwistedBrush extends the standard additional methods for programmers to create even more filters for sharing with the TwistedBrush user base. 
  • Extensive tool set: color palette, brush for cleaning, selection, crop, move, line, rectangle, ellipse, fill, gradients, rectangle masks, ellipse mask, Wand mask, Image Warp, brush script, Copy tool, Paste tool, text , turn the brush, guide and adjust the tool Brush. 
  • Color palettes: a large selection of color palettes, including dynamic color palettes and mixing palettes.

Size : 30.2 MB - 41.4 MB

What's new:
  • Added - The full collection of brushes from Luminance Studio. 130+ brushes in 5 ArtSets. 
  • Added - The full collection of brushes from Pixel Studio. 50+ brushes in 1 ArtSets. 
  • Added - The full collection of brushes from Selfie Studio. 100+ brushes in 7 ArtSets. 
  • Added - Brush effects 3D Highlight Color and 3D Shadow Color added. 
  • Added - Option added to use or not use unique cursors for tools. In Perferences. 
  • Added - 4 more levels of brush. Now 32 levels of brush effects are possible! 
  • Added - Rotate v2 filter added with slider units in degrees. 
  • Added - Color coding added for the Layer panel. 
  • Added - Hotkey Ctrl + Spacebar to zoom in added. 
  • Added - Hotkey Shift + Spacebar to zoom out added.
  • Added - Copy Page and Paste Page added to the Edit menu. 
  • Improved - Complex brushes and particle brushes are up to 2x faster! 
  • Improved - Clips panel bank selection is improved with a numbered list. 
  • Improved - Clips panel bank list now allows naming of banks. 
  • Improved - Refreshed the visual layout of the main panels. 
  • Improved - Improved the layout of tool options to avoid cropped text. 
  • Improved - Expanded the size of the Preferences Dialog. 
  • Improved - General improvements to a number of dialogs. 
  • Improved - Internal improvement to allow filters to have more applicable slider scale and units. 
  • Improved - Lua script sliders can now define, start range, end range, increment, decimal places and units.
  • Improved - Increase the number of visible characters for the layer name in the layer panel. 
  • Change - Splash screen bottom bar was updated to be white. 
  • Change - Do not automatically bring Layers, Ref Image and Brush Effects panel to the top when mouse passes over them. 
  • Change - Paper settings are now under the Page menu. 
  • Change - The Rotate Brush tool will show the normal cursor rather than the tool cursor. 
  • Change - The Adjust Brush tool will once again show the normal cursor rather than the tool cursor. 
  • Change - Right click no longer updates the color palette. Shift + click is needed. 
  • Fixed - The Bonsi Leaves brush was not working. 
  • Fixed - Crash if showing Windows desktop when the Select Brush panel was active.
  • Fixed - Repeat was not working with the Line tool. 
  • Fixed - Brush Effects panel was not properly showing the dropdown button for brush category and brush sub-type. 
  • Fixed - The Zoom to Center option was not working correctly.

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